Friday, 15 July 2011

Knowledge & Wisdom

Knowledge is a noun that refers to the information, understanding and skills that you gain through education or experience. It refers to the hard facts and the data that can be available to anyone if he has the right resources. For example, you can have practical, medical or scientific knowledge. You can also say that someone has a wide knowledge, the taxation system.

Wisdom, on the other hand, is a noun that refers to the ability to make sensible decisions and give good advice because of the experience and knowledge that you have. Someone may have all the knowledge about a subject but may not have the wisdom to utilize this knowledge properly to be able to act in a sensible manner! 
That is why they say you can gain knowledge by educating yourself but you can gain wisdom only by experience.

Knowledge is knowing & understanding knowledge is Wisdom, this is the problem in our society that there are millions of people that are knowledgeable but a few dozens who apply it & have wisdom. One who had knowledge and literacy & still it acts like layman then in our society we better know him as "Parha Likha Jaahil". 

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